Choose as many that apply to your experience.
Your honesty is valued so that we can improve upon our process.
On a Scale from 1 as 'Below Expectation' to 10 as 'Exceeding Expectation'
On a Scale from 1 as 'Below Expectation' to 10 as 'Exceeding Expectation'
On a Scale from 1 as 'Below Expectation' to 10 as 'Exceeding Expectation'
On a Scale from 1 as 'Below Expectation' to 10 as 'Exceeding Expectation'
On a Scale from 1 as 'Below Expectation' to 10 as 'Exceeding Expectation'
Factors Influencing Decision - Pricing, Alternative Subcontractor, Confidence Concerns, etc.
Thank you for your feedback!